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Is Mold Making Our Family Sick

Mold toxicity and its harmful health effects on humans

If you have been asking the questions, can mold harm you, how toxic is mold in Dallas, TX, and does mold toxicity occur, this article will help. Mold toxicity is not an imagined thing. It can really happen and does. When it affects humans, it may cause many different types of symptoms that decrease your quality of life.

Mold is everywhere in our environment. It grows rampantly when the conditions are right for its growth - a damp environment with relative humidity greater than 60%. Whenever there is excess water in the home, mold begins growing in that water, along with bacteria, viruses and mites. The excess water is a perfect environment for microorganisms to reproduce. The answer is to remove mold and do it professionally with mold removal services.

FEMA states on their report about indoor mold that within 24 to 48 hours, any mold that is on a damp surface will begin multiplying itself by spores. These spores are very small and travel through the air, both indoor and outdoor air.

What can cause mold in your home

Some common causes of indoor mold are water intrusion from the roof, a broken plumbing pipe, a water heater that leaked, and a leaky toilet or shower/bathtub. Flood damage is another primary cause of indoor mold exposure. If the relative humidity inside the home is higher than 60 percent, this can also maximize conditions for mold to grow from these wet or damp areas.

However, from our perspective here at Upholstery Cleaning Dallas, we can speak from experiences that there are secondary causes of indoor mold. Once the primary causes mentioned above have occurred, carpets, rugs, clothes in the closets, and even mattresses may act as a source of mold that continues to grow in your home. Our mold specialists access the containment area and professionally remove mold as well as assist in fixing the underlying condition.

One thing we hear from our mold toxicity clients over the last 15 years is that they love the look, feel, and smell of their home after the mold has been removed from both the primary and secondary sources of mold. They also feel healthier.

Signs of Mold in your home

Knowing the signs of mold in your Dallas, TX home is really the first step to achieving a home that is safe and sound from mold - and one that you are proud of.

Here's a list of some of the signs:

  1. Visible mold: This mold may be found on walls, ceilings, around sinks, toilets and bathtubs, and on floors. The mold may be any color from white to black.
  2. Moldy or musty smell in the house: A musty smell is a particular smell that once identified becomes a smell easily recognized. The smell may also include a smell of sewage if a toilet has overflowed.
  3. Soggy carpets or floors: When floors or carpets are waterlogged, this isn't ever normal. The water breeds mold.
  4. Discoloration of the ceilings and walls: The irregular discoloration on ceilings and walls is from the mold. Each mold will produce a different color depending on the temperature and conditions.

The most important thing to remember is that the sooner you can identify these visible signs of mold toxicity, the sooner you can protect your health and the health of your family. Mold removal services will be a big part of the answer.

What are the symptoms of mold toxicity?

It's important to learn the mold toxicity symptoms to start to get help for your health. Only a doctor can give a 100% exact answer on the cause of your symptoms and answer your personal question of can mold harm you.

Diagnosing illness involves a complete health history, examination, lab tests and sometimes imaging studies. This is why being aware of mold infestation signs in the home or in a person can preserve the health of their loved ones by seeking help early in the process.

When there has been a mold infestation in the home, these are the mold toxicity symptoms that may manifest in any family member:

  1. Lung problems: Wheezing, asthma attacks, chest tightness, shortness of breath and coughing are common responses to mold. Inhaled spores irritate the lungs and cause these types of symptoms, especially in those who have allergies or asthma.
  2. Eye problems: Eyes that are reddened or burning and watery for no apparent causes may be reacting to mold spores. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also report eye pain, vision that is blurry, an eye discharge, and sensitivity to light in this category of mold toxicity symptoms.
  3. Skin problems: Rashes, itching or hives as well as dry, scaly skin and dermatitis are common symptoms in those affected by mold inhalation. One scientific report in the Journal of Pediatrics in 2020 stated that in a study of infants less than 1 year old, those whose mothers were exposed to mold during pregnancy had a greater chance of developing dermatitis.
  4. Nervous system problems: Animal studies show there is memory loss, increased amounts of pain, inflammation in the hippocampus part of the brain, and anxiety from exposure to mold spores. The National Institutes of Health state on their study abstract in 2009 that neurologic and neuropsychiatric signs and symptoms are caused by human exposure to molds and mycotoxins.
  5. Sinus, nose and throat problems: Congestion, bloody noses, episodes of sneezing, and postnasal drip occur with mold exposure. These occur because the spores are irritants to these mucous membranes.
  6. Body aches and pains: About two to nine hours after exposure, someone exposed to mold spores could have aches, pains, and may include fever and chills. The mold toxicity symptoms may last one to three days.

These symptoms are due to the harmful mycotoxins that molds produce from the mold spores. Mold toxicity is most likely to occur in those who have compromised immune systems such as those who are elderly or have cancer or infections. This includes young children whose immune systems are not developed.

Pregnant women and those with lung problems are also prone to develop illnesses from mold. However, depending on the dosage of the mold inhalation and the type of mycotoxins, even those who are healthy may be affected by mold toxicity.

The answer is to remove mold from the home and have it done professionally with mold removal services if necessary.

Mold health effects for human

Besides all the mold toxicity health effects mentioned, there are additional effects that may occur with long-term exposure. These include bladder cancer, inflammatory bowel disease such as colitis, multiple sclerosis, and autoimmune diseases according to an NIH study in 2021 published in the International Journal of Molecular Science.

Mycotoxins can also cause inflammation in the brain and joints and speed up the process of degeneration for other diseases. This is why exposure to mold inside the home should be addressed as early in the process as possible. Mold toxicity may not be permanent but the conditions caused by mold exposure can drag on for decades, especially if removing the mold has not been done.

How do you treat mold toxicity symptoms?

Treatment always involves making sure the home, people, and pets are treated. Mold detox programs will likely be used by qualified health professionals. These programs may last anywhere from weeks to months.

If you have mold toxicity symptoms, we recommend you see a doctor as soon as possible. Then after you receive medical treatment, you need professional services to help get rid of inhouse mold. For mold removal, call us at Upholstery Cleaning Dallas to take professional action. Our 15 years of work experience in this area insures the job will get done right.

Your Mold Toxicity Plan of Action

Mold toxicity is not something to postpone. It doesn't go away on its own and the health risks are too great. Mold affects the lungs, immune system, nervous system, the brain and every part of your body. But if you remove the mold, the health problems begin to diminish immediately.

Take a look around for signs of mold in your home today. If you find it, do an inventory of mold toxicity symptoms in family members. Get treated medically, and then contact us at Upholstery Cleaning Dallas at for mold remediation.

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